When you lose someone, there are a mix of emotions but also responsibilities. Fortunately it is not something we have to deal with on a regular basis, and we can be confused on what we need to do on behalf of the deceased, and where we can get support.
Finding death at your doorstep
When somebody dies, there are a few steps that those close to the deceased need to follow:
- If it happens at home and the death was expected, please telephone the practice or the out-of-hours services. If the event is not expected, the police needs also to be informed
- A doctor or other health professional will come to confirm the death
- You will need to contact later a funeral director so the body can be moved
- You will also need to collect the death certificate from the GP and register the death
Registering the death
To do this you will need to collect a medical certificate from the doctor or hospital and then call 0113 222 4408 to make an appointment at your nearest register office
A death should be registered within five days (unless a coroner is investigating the circumstances leading to the death).
Information can be obtained from the Leeds City Council
Getting bereavement support
NHS choices bereavement pages offer a range of advice and support
There are also several organisations and charities that provide specialist advice and support to those that have been bereaved:
- Leeds Bereavement Forum
- Cruse (bereavement care in Leeds area)
- Sands (stillbirth and neonatal death charity)
- The Compassionate Friends
- Leeds Suicide Bereavement Service
- Child Bereavement UK
- Winston’s Wish (for bereaved children)